Monday, July 28, 2008

1995 Calendar October

This one turned out badly. It was the word October, drippy,
and illuminated by a candle held by a floating hooded guy.
It looked cool on the colored page, but it didn't translate in the calendar.
Click on it to make it larger, and you can make out the words and the figure.

October dates of interest:

October 2
First newspaper comic strip

October 15
First televised weather report

October 16
First correct televised weather report?

October 22
First used-car dealership opens, London

October 27
Boxer shorts introduced

October 29
First ballpoint pen goes on sale, NYC

1995 Calendar September

Okay, for the September calendar page,
we've got various school supplies represented here.
Only, two are anthropomorphic cartoons, and two are floating.
Actually, the ones with eyes are floating, too, as evidenced by the shadows underneath.
Why nothing else (save the page curl) casts a shadow is beyond me.
And why would you study Law and Math at the same time?

The September days featured are:

National Chicken Month

September 2
The bowling shirt invented

September 3
First bowling league in America

Steptember 24
World record: Longest Kiss (17 days, 10.5 hours)

September 26
The Brady Bunch premiers

1995 Calendar August

I think that's a worm in the bird's mouth.
Alot of negative space, I think. Nothing on the table,
no one playing volleyball, nothing
on the left side there.

This month's features were:

August 1
The song "Chopsticks" is written

August 4
Federal income tax first collected

August 15
Woodstock begins

August 17
Woodstock ends

August 18
People who passed out realize Woodstock ended

August 26
First American roller coaster built

1995 Calendar July

This is some patriotic guy (Uncle Sam before he grew his white beard?)
and an eagle somewhat like the Boy Scouts of America symbol.
In front of the word July, which is brown for no apparant reason.
Perhaps I was just trying to use the entire box of 64.

This month's featured days:

July 5
Bikini's birthday

July 6
Elvis makes his first hit record

July 16
Safety pin invented

July 19
First personal ad printed looking for a spouse

July 24
Instant coffee invented

July 26
Hula hoop becomes popular

July 29
Don Juan opens with the most kisses (127)

1995 Calendar June

People waiting in line at an amusement park.
At the time, Walt Disney World only had the Magic Kingdom,
EPCOT, and Disney MGM Studios, so that's what's represented here.

I think I could have made the line of people a bit tighter.
I was trying to inject humor by having Mickey Mouse
and Daffy Duck (not Donald) in line.
Note the headphones on the first guy - Walkman then, MP3 player now.

June holidays were:

June 3
World's first tattoo is performed
208 BC

June 8
First stolen car reported

June 22
The day disco died

June 23
The day disco should've died

June 26
First movie theater opens
(10 cents per movie)

June 27
First reported sighting of flying saucers (US)

June 29
First TV sold with a remote

--note: I misspelled "tattoo" in the calendar, and I used "dyed" instead of "died" :-(

1995 Calendar May

I guess the cat is after the mouse and the fish,
so they're running away, and the dog is trying to stop the cat.
Or whatever.

May 11
The chair is invented
2181 BC

May 17
The rubberband is invented

May 18
National Visit Your Relatives Day

May 22
The lucky rabbit's foot first used
600 BC

May 24
Mary Had a Little Lamb is written

May 30
The compact disc is introduced

1995 Calendar April

This one definitely seems like it was a rush job. It's worst of the calendar.
Below is a better Easter one that I kept from at least ten years ago.

Holidays I added to April were:

April 1
April Fool's Day

April 13
World Cow Chip
Throwing Championship

April 30
National Honesty Day

1995 Calendar March

Note the pun: March goes in like a lion and out like a lamp.
Why does the floating shamrock have a large shadow under it,
but nothing else is shaded? Another of life's mysteries.

March 4
Toothbrushes switched from
badger to Nylon

March 14
Baseball cap invented

March 20
First official Elvis sighting,
Butte, Montana

March 24
First pine tree air freshener

1995 Calendar February

Now that I'm looking at this one, maybe the medium is colored pencil.
Gosh, I can't tell. I guess I've learned alot since then.

This is supposed to be funny because these are two balloons noticing each other.
Cupid's going to shoot his arrow, and you can imagine what
would happen to a balloon in that situation.

The holidays included this month were:

February 1
Fred Flintstone's Birthday

February 2
Groundhog Day

February 20
Northern Hemisphere
Hoodie-Hoo Day

February 23
Tootsie Roll Invented

1995 Calendar January

A lovely crayon snowman, whose snow color blended into the background,
at least in the original. You had to label the drawing according to which month,
and since mine didn't all have the month's name in the picture
(and why should it--I have it in French and English just below the calendar itself),
I had to label the back. You can make out the reverse "January" to
the right of the snowman's bottom segment.

Oh, and I was very much into odd trivia,
so I had interesting "holidays" sprinkled throughout:

January 4
Trivia Day

January 16
National Do Nothing Day

January 28
Popcorn Day

1995 Calendar Cover

This was my first foray into published art.
I mailed away a form with my options for a calendar,
as well as twelve crayon drawings, which would be
scanned and used as the calendar images.
You'll see that I should have chosen a different medium.

The title of the calendar comes from a book we read in French class
in my senior year of high school (or maybe my junior year; they all run together)
A Summer Not Like The Others. And since I was just going by memory,
and couldn't remember if the French for calendar is masculine or feminine,
I titled this one
The Months Not Like The Others.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sermon notes

"All By Himself" God (sovereign, omniscient, omnipotent, free)
Isaiah 40: 21-25

"Never Leave You" God (faithful)
Lamentations 3:22-23

"Beyond Your Intellect" God (wise)
Romans 11:33

"God Who Is For You" (good)
Psalm 84:11

also Matthew 7:9-11, Romans 8:28-39